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Title [Global issues] UNESCO co-organizes 4th Session of the Tokyo Convention Committee in conjunction with 2nd Plenary of the Asia-Pacific Network of National Information Centres (APNNIC) and the 17th Session of the Bangkok Convention Committee
Date 2023-02-09
Views 634


To promote fair recognition of qualifications throughout Asia and the Pacific, UNESCO will co-organize the 4th Session of the Tokyo Convention Committee in conjunction with the 2nd Plenary Session of APNNIC and the 17th Session of the Bangkok Convention Committee. Together with the Ministry of Education, China and National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO, the event will be held from 30 November to 2 December 2022 (half-day meetings over 3 days). This event will be held virtually due to the uncertainties regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and is by invitation only. 

This significant regional consultation will review the status and readiness of countries throughout Asia-Pacific to ratify and implement the Tokyo Convention on recognition and join APNNIC.

Meeting objectives
•    Receive and examine country reports on implementation of the Tokyo Convention on recognition and assess the timeline of non-State Parties regarding ratification;
•    Share practices and examples of national information center operations in Asia-Pacific; and
•    Raise awareness about the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education, and explore regional synergies with existing Conventions.

For further information, please contact UNESCO Bangkok and your local National Commission for UNESCO.

Reference : UNESCO Bangkok

[Global issues]The Tokyo Convention – A commitment to enduring and sustainable collaboration to improve mobility in Asia-Pacific
[Activities] KARIC Opening Ceremony