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Title [Activities] 2022 KAFSA/KADIA Summer Conference
Date 2023-02-10
Views 755
Staff members from the Korea Academic Recognition Information Center(KARIC) attended the 2022 KAFSA Summer Conference in Jeju, South Korea from 22 to 23 August 2022.
The Korean Association of Foreign Student Administrators(KAFSA) was founded in 1999 for leaders and staffers working for international education of domestic educational institutions of higher learning to encourage the interchange of information thereof, and now, it is regarded as the one representing the international interchange of domestic universities.
The Korean Association of Deans of International Affairs (hereinafter, KADIA) is an entity of departmental leaders responsible for the international interchange of domestic educational institutions of higher learning, and was founded for the cooperation and mutual exchange of information between domestic universities/colleges to encourage the international interchange and qualitative advancement thereof.
The Ministry of Education and university staff had a Q&A session on the implementation and the plans of the International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS).
Case presentations included the introduction of COIL by universities operating COIL programs and the way of recruiting international students into Korean universities in cooperation with the local community.
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