
  • 해당파일이미지
[Research Report] Investigation of overseas cases of qualification recognition due to the increase in non-face-to-face curriculum and exploration of domestic application measures
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● Research Manager: Chae Jae-eun (Gachon University)
● Publisher: Korean Council for University Education
● Year of issue: 2021
● Writing Language: Korean

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
1. Necessity and purpose of research
2. Details of the study
3. Research methods

II. Theoretical background
1. Significance and type of non-face-to-face higher education
2. Characteristics and Issues of Non-face-to-face Higher Education Quality Management
3. International norms related to non-face-to-face higher education quality management

III. Current status of non-face-to-face higher curriculum abroad and examples of evaluation recognition
1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. United Kingdom
4. Germany
5. United States of America
6. Norway
7. Comparative analysis and implications

IV. Current status of non-face-to-face higher curriculum in Korea and examples of evaluation recognition
1. Legal basis for non-face-to-face higher education and quality management
2. Analysis of university regulations related to non-face-to-face higher education
3. Non-face-to-face higher curriculum operation status
4. Major Issues and Improvement Direction of Non-face-to-face Higher Curriculum Operation
5. Sintering and Implications

V. Non-face-to-face Higher Curriculum Evaluation Recognition Plan
1. Direction of Propulsion
2. Promotion tasks
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